22 Unsung Strengths To Love About Your ADHD
ADHD has its challenges, but it also has its gifts. Knowing how ADHD enhances your life allows you to develop your strengths and shine your light.
ADHD has its challenges, but it also has its gifts. Knowing how ADHD enhances your life allows you to develop your strengths and shine your light.
Living with ADHD can be hard. Going through it alone, can make it even harder. You’re not alone. Learn where to find support from others like you.
Have you ever gone down a negative thought spiral when you were stressed or nervous? Only seeing all the ways things could go wrong? Learn how to get out of this spiral and see new, positive outcomes.
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash Let’s face it – mundane tasks are hard to do. Those of us with ADHD are driven by interest. If we are interested in something, we can do it. If we aren’t interested or if we think something is boring, we have little drive to do it. And …
Photo by Pedro da Silva on Unsplash Does this sound like you? Ugh. Why can’t I get anything done? Why do I always put everything off? Why can’t I just get in and do things? I’m SO LAZY!!! Your procrastination has nothing to do with laziness. We tend to associate procrastination with laziness. But for someone with ADHD, this isn’t …
4 Reasons For ADHD Procrastination & Tips To Take Action Now Read More »
Is it any wonder why we struggle?
By the time a person with ADHD is 10, it is estimated that they have received nearly 20,000 more negative or corrective messages than someone without ADHD.
What we say to ourselves has the power to determine how we will act and what we will do.