Person Celebrating Themself

22 Unsung Strengths To Love About Your ADHD

Person Celebrating Themself
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Living with ADHD has its challenges.

If you have ADHD you are well aware of the negative ways ADHD can impact your life, the challenges ADHD can bring to your life. You are reminded every day of your ADHD struggles.

These struggles have become so prominent that they may be all you focus on.

You probably get frustrated with your ADHD and wish that it didn’t exist. You probably think about how much easier your life would be if you didn’t have ADHD.  Or how much better things would be if only your ADHD didn’t… [insert your challenge here].

But there is so much more to ADHD.

Have you ever considered the positive ways that ADHD affects your life?  These may not have even entered your mind because of your past, and likely, current struggles with ADHD.

While there are and always will be challenges because of your ADHD, there are and always will be benefits.

There are gifts that you have and things you can do and bring to the table that no other person can because of your ADHD.

The key is to find the benefits and identify our strengths.

We tend to do better as a whole when we focus on our strengths instead of our weaknesses; when we recognize what we do bring to the table instead of focusing on what we lack.  

While it may be difficult to see the ways in which ADHD improves your life it also is important. It’s important to harness these gifts because they are what can help you succeed in the world.

These gifts, or strengths, are what make you YOU and what help you shine your light.

ADHD isn’t all doom and gloom even though it can feel like it. Sometimes you just need a little help to see the light in the darkness.

I have put together a list of 22 ways that ADHD benefits your life.

Look at this list when you’re struggling or when you need a reminder of your strengths and what you bring to this world.

Not all of these will apply to you, just like not all of the challenges of ADHD will apply to you.  Just take a look at the list and find which ones do apply.


Out of the box thinker

You don’t restrict yourself to the limits that others without ADHD tend to do.  You see things differently than others.  You bring new ideas to the table. 


You can build a deep connection with others in your first conversation with them.  You feel what they’re feeling.  You make others feel seen and heard.


Your years of figuring out what works for you gives you the ability to do things differently than others.  You find ways to do things that others don’t.  You open people’s eyes to new ways of doing things.


You continue to try and to push forward when others would give up.  When you believe in something, you will see it through to the end.  You find new ways to approach things when one way stops working.


You’ve faced obstacles your whole life, and you have conquered them to get to where you are today.  You don’t believe in the word “quit”.  You fight for what you believe in.


You’re always looking to explore new things – whether it’s new ideas, places to go, or activities to try.  You are drawn to new experiences, unsatisfied with a life of monotony.  You have a spice for life and you go after it with gusto.

Good in Stressful Situations

When a crisis comes up, you’re the first to jump in and take action.  You thrive in chaos – when things go wrong, you get focused and take charge.  Stress that might shut others down powers you up.


You are constantly on the move.  You’re full of life and shine it out to the world.  Your energy is contagious, you get other people excited along with you.


When you care about something, you care about it with your whole heart.  You can talk for days about something that you’re really interested in.  You can also spend hours working on something you’re passionate about, and feel like only minutes have passed.

See the Big Picture

Your beautiful mind is always working – making connections others can’t see.  You piece together seemingly unconnected things to complete the picture or come up with a solution.  You don’t see the boundaries that keep others confined.


When you get excited about something you go all in.  You share your excitement with everyone you can, and, in turn, they get excited along with you.


You are very aware of things around you, without even trying.  You know how people are feeling without them telling you.  You put things together and “just know” something, without an explanation of why or how.


The fact that your brain works differently than others has given you the ability to find ways to do things differently than others, and with what you have available.  You don’t have the tools you need, no biggie, you’ll figure out where to get them, or even how to do it with what you have on hand.  You can be a real-life version of MacGyver when needed.


When you’re excited about something or determined to get something done, you can get into it with ease.  You can jump right in, take the reins, and get others to join.  You’re capable of taking charge and running things effectively.


You’re always interested in learning new things.  You take things apart and put them back together just to see how they work.  You will use whatever resources are available to teach yourself about something you’re interested in.

Action Taker

You’re not content sitting back and watching others do it, you have to get out there and do it yourself.  You have to be in the heart of the action.   When you’ve set your mind to something, there’s no stopping you.


You’re wired to adapt to anything.  You’re not afraid to change plans, and can easily adapt when plans are changed.  You have a lust for life that doesn’t restrict you, and allows you to follow the wind wherever it leads you.


When you’re interested in something, you can focus on it for hours.  You lose all track of time, and nothing else matters.  When you’re in hyperfocus mode, you can get things done in record time.

Ability to Connect with People

Your uniqueness and challenges with fitting in give you a unique perspective which allows you to be open and accepting of others.  You show others that being different is something to embrace and celebrate.  You make them feel comfortable, and let them know it’s okay to be themselves. 


You genuinely care about others.  You have a deep desire to want others to be okay, and to be happy.  You don’t like seeing others in pain and will try your best to make them smile.

Risk Taker

You enjoy the excitement of taking risks.  You embrace the challenge that’s in front of you, and get excited about the potential of what’s on the other side.  There’s no failure when you take a risk, just the lessons, adventures, and stories along the way.

Quick Starter

You don’t wait for others to tell you to take action.  When you see a need or an opening, you’re ready to go.  You don’t look for the invitation, you look for the opportunity.


I know this is a long list, so here is a recap:


  1. Out of the Box Thinker
  2. Empathetic
  3. Creative
  4. Persistent
  5. Perseverance
  6. Adventurous
  7. Good in Stressful Situations
  8. Energetic
  9. Passionate
  10. See the Big Picture
  11. Enthusiastic
  12. Intuitive
  13. Resourceful
  14. Initiator
  15. Self-Learner
  16. Action Taker
  17. Spontaneous
  18. Hyperfocus
  19. Ability to Connect with People
  20. Compassionate
  21. Risk Taker
  22. Quick Starter


If you stop to think about it, you will find that there ARE some positive aspects of your life because of your ADHD.  Take another look at the list above and consider which of these are true for you. 


I challenge you to find five of these that apply to you.  And be sure to let me know in the comments!


I believe in you.  Now it’s your turn to choose to believe in yourself. 

You are capable of more than you can imagine. 


You’ve got this.

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